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Respirex Limited Life SC1

The SC1 in Chemprotex™ 300 material is a single use Type 3, Type 4 & Type 5 splash contamination suit designed for use with breathing apparatus worn outside the suit or with a face mask and filter.

The garment is CE certified to EN14605:2005+A1:2009, EN13982-1:2004+A1:2010, EN14126:2003, EN1073-2:2002 and EN 1149-1:2006 and is intended for use in areas that are not immediately dangerous to life or health.

The SC1 in Chemprotex™ 300 material is a single use Type 3, Type 4 & Type 5 splash contamination suit designed for use with breathing apparatus worn outside the suit or with a face mask and filter.

The garment is CE certified to EN14605:2005+A1:2009, EN13982-1:2004+A1:2010, EN14126:2003, EN1073-2:2002 and EN 1149-1:2006 and is intended for use in areas that are not immediately dangerous to life or health.

  • One-piece construction
  • Integral hood with neoprene rubber face grommet to seal around the wearer’s face mask
  • 91cm (36”) Nylon zip fitted across the shoulders in rear of suit, flapped internally and encased in a double external housing with self adhesive tape closure
  • Kemblok™ Chemically protective laminated glove welded to the suit material
  • Supplied with Mapa M420 neoprene outer gloves
  • Integral socks in the same Chemprotex™ 300 material as the suit with plain outer leg allowing the wearing of customer’s own boots. (Boots not included)

The Respirex SC1 splash suit in Chemprotex™ 300 can be used the PermaSURE toxicity modelling app, allowing emergency responders to quickly establish the maximum safe working time with a given chemical based on real world conditions. For further details on PermaSURE please click here.

Alternate colours (Olive Green & Navy Blue) are manufactured to order, contact Respirex for minimum order quantities.


  • TYPE 3, TYPE 4
    EN 14605:2005+A1:2009
    Protective clothing against liquid chemicals – liquid-tight and spray-tight connections
  • TYPE 5
    EN ISO 13982-1:2004+A1:2010

    Protective clothing against solid particulates
  • TYPE 3-B, TYPE 4-B, TYPE 5-B, TYPE 6-B
    EN 14126:2003
    Protective clothing against infective agents
  • IL:CLASS 1
    EN 1073-2:2002
    Non-ventilated protective clothing against particulate radioactive contamination

Download PDFs

Product Sales Sheet:
Limited life SC1 splash suit

Limited Life Olive Green SC1 splash suit

Limited Life Navy Blue SC1 splash suit

User Instructions:
Limited Life SC1 User Instructions

CE Certificate:
Limited life SC1 splash suit


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